School Business Manager Services

Our range of services includes financial reporting and budgeting, accounting, operations and maintenance, procurement, food service management, insurance, student transportation, payroll management, grant administration, and union negotiations.

SBO Hiring Guide

Human Resource Services

Our services encompass various aspects of employee relations, including diversity, equity, and inclusion methods. We also assist in ensuring Title IX compliance, conducting benefit review and support, devising hiring and talent management strategies, and offering support in training and development review services.

Meet the Team

Business Office Support Services

We provide comprehensive business office support services, focusing on the accurate and timely completion of accounts payable, grants, and payroll tasks. Our team is dedicated to ensuring the smooth and efficient management of these critical financial processes.

Meet the Team

Connecticut EFS Reporting

We provide assistance with the submission of the annual Education Financial System (EFS), which is a financial reporting system utilized by local and regional school districts in Connecticut.

Education Financial System (EFS)